Bangabandhu Satellite

Bangabandhu satellite fetched Tk 3.0b in revenue over three years

" Unveiling the Financial Trajectory and Market Expansion of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 "

Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited announced that Bangabandhu Satellite has earned taka 3.0 billion in revenue in the last three years. The monthly income of BSCL is taka Tk 100 million, and most of this comes from the domestic market. A renowned newspaper published a report about it recently, and the headline of the report is "'Bangabandhu Satellite: Once realized, the project will enhance Bangladesh's renewable energy capacity, and satellite-1 couldn't gain any outcome in three years. But this doesn't seem right. Bangabandhu Satellite-1 has been in the revenue stream for the last three years. The total income of the company has already exceeded taka 3.0 billion.

Expansion of Services and Future Prospects

The BSCL authority clarified that the report did not show an accurate company picture. Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited has already earned taka 3.0 billion, and the revenue will gradually increase. The authority mentioned that the state broadcaster Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar broadcast 36 TV channels, and the country's only DTH operator, "Akash," broadcasts through Bangabandhu Satellite. Two banks provide ATM services through it, and some are communicating with the authorities about taking services. A Memorandum of Understanding of The Armed Forces division recently signed with BSCL.

Diverse Domestic Utilization of Bangabandhu Satellite Services

The BSCL chairman and Chief Executive Officer Shahjahan Mahmood said- "A target was set in the 2012 feasibility study, and it was said at the time that the project cost would be recouped in seven years. But we launched the Satellite in 2018. When we launched the Bangabandhu satellite, we were the 57th country in the world to have one. Now the number of countries has increased to 75 or 76. As a result, bandwidth supply on the market has increased substantially. As the demand is relatively low, we aren't able to sell according to expectations."

"He also added that the Covid-19 pandemic had hampered their market expansion. Of the Satellite's 40 transponders, 20 were to be sold on the domestic market and 20 in the foreign market. However, only 15-16 transponders have been sold so far. We are working hard to expand the activity of the Bangabandhu satellite. We will see the results in a few months.