Mango Export

Boost in Mango Exports: Quality Improvements Drive Impressive Growth

" Bangladesh's Mango Export Boom: Quality Improvement and Market Expansion "

Mango Exports Soar as Bangladesh Enhances Fruit Quality. In a remarkable development, Bangladesh has witnessed a significant surge in its mango export earnings this year, owing to local growers supplying improved-quality mangoes through collaborative efforts from both the private and public sectors.

According to data obtained from the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), mangoes exported by air reached a total of 1,757 metric tons in 2022. In the current year, approximately 600 metric tons of mangoes have been shipped thus far. The mango export season for the year commenced on May 25, officially inaugurated by the DAE.

Mohammad Arifur Rahman, the director of the DAE's Exportable Mango Production project, stated that previous mango exports were largely confined to ethnic markets abroad. However, this year has witnessed a breakthrough, with exports reaching the mainstream market. Rahman revealed that a shipment of 450 kilograms of mangoes was successfully exported to a supermarket chain in Switzerland, signaling the entry into new markets.

Currently, Bangladesh boasts 66 registered mango exporters who dispatch the fruit to approximately 28 countries, with the primary recipients being the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Italy. The mango export season typically spans from May to September.

Rahman mentioned that the export season commences with shipments of popular mango varieties such as Gopal Bhog, Himsagar, Langra, and Amrapali. The response from consumers has been highly encouraging, prompting an ambitious target of exporting 4,000 metric tons of mangoes this year. To support this endeavor, the DAE aims to train 8,400 farmers in mango production techniques, specifically focusing on good agricultural practices, across major mango-producing regions such as Rajshahi, Chapainawabganj, Sathkhira, Chuadanga, Meherpur, and the hill tract districts. For this season, the DAE is collaborating with 990 mango growers.

Md. Rezaul Karim, the director of the Plant Quarantine Wing of the DAE responsible for issuing plant health certificates for exports, stated that 600 tons of mangoes have already been exported to various countries, with shipments expected to continue until August. The demand for this delectable summer fruit remains high among consumers in European and Middle Eastern countries, as highlighted by Md. Monjurul Islam is an adviser to the Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables, and Allied Products Exporters Association. Islam further expressed optimism that the volume of exported mangoes may surpass that of the previous year.

Kawser Ahmed Rubel, the chief executive officer of Global Trade Link, an exporting company, shared that they exclusively shipped mangoes to London during the last season. However, this year, they expanded their reach to include Germany and Switzerland in addition to London. With 20 tons of mangoes already exported, their target for the current season stands at 100 tons. Rubel acknowledged the significant improvement in communication between foreign buyers and local suppliers, a factor contributing to the rise in mango exports. Furthermore, he emphasized that the simplification of the process for obtaining phytosanitary certificates for export played a role in boosting exports this season.

Manzurul Hannan, the managing director of Hortex Foundation, a government-sponsored agency facilitating fresh produce exports, noted that the beginning of this season witnessed a surge in exports compared to the same period last year. This increase can be attributed to the entry of new entrepreneurs and exporters into the mango business. Hannan expressed his encouragement at this positive trend and highlighted the contribution of public-private initiatives, particularly the government's exportable mango production scheme. Additionally, the implementation of international standard packaging has significantly aided entrepreneurs in the export process.

Bangladesh currently ranks ninth in mango production globally, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization.